IT Security

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Data and network security is one of the most important things to get right, which is why at Ark Assist we provide a wraparound threat prevention service.

Networks need to be protected against both internal and external threats. Organisations that fail to protect their networks appropriately could be subject to a number of risks:

  • Denial of service attacks
  • Exploitation of systems
  • Damage or defacement of corporate resources
  • Compromise of information

In addition, with the introduction of GDPR, businesses have a legal obligation to ensure the security of any customer data stored

Ark Assist have partnered with WatchGuard to offer industry leading network security products. We believe that every business, from small to large, should have access to the most effective security technologies on the market.

With an ever improving and evolving product line, you can rely on Ark Assist to manage your network security, scaling as your grow.

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